Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life happens when you're busy trying to lose weight

I feel like a slight recap of the last few weeks is in order so that folks know why I've been missing in action.

  1. I did not win my box's Whole30 challenge, but that being said, I've lost about 20lbs since mid October and I know that this is not a sprint for me, but a lifelong change. After a few days on and off the wagon, I am back on, and planning a Whole30 friendly Christmas meal with my family that would make the most discerning palate jealous.
  2. My older sister, the day after Thanksgiving, was hospitalized because her water broke. She was just about 25 weeks pregnant, and was planning to be in the hospital on bed rest until she delivered. This happened to be a much shorter time period that we were all planning (and hoping) for, as she delivered my niece, Kathryn (Katy) Gracemarie Beaver at 25 weeks and 5 days. Katy continues to defy expectations, as she is taking 10cc of breast milk, breathing, peeing, pooping, and wiggling around on her own. My sister held her for the first time today and we keep sending positive thoughts her way. Our Christmas will be a little different this year, as I think we are all a bit more thankful for our health and wellbeing given this little bundle of joy's early arrival.
  3. I had a massive chest cold that precluded me from doing much in the way of socializing. It definitely meant I couldn't see my sister or my new niece until I was better, but seeing as I am almost officially "well" I am looking forward to spending time with all of them this Christmas.
Given all of the hub bub in my life as of late, I think you can all understand why I haven't written much. But I was inspired to write today, and so here I am, thinking about the passage of time, the frailty of life, and how I need to make sure that I am healthy and happy, mentally and physically, for the people around me.

Some softy I know posted this earlier this week, and it got me thinking:

I realize that I need to take care of myself for the long term. As much as I might want to binge on sugar and wine and bread, justifying it all because it's the holidays and I "deserve it" that is a bullshit excuse. I deserve to feel amazing, to eat good food that nourishes me, and to finally look outside the way I feel inside. 

2014 is going to be the year of self love and self acceptance, with the idea that if I take care of myself, I'll be a better friend, sister, daughter, lover, and coworker to those around me. I am not very motivated to do things for myself, but when I frame it in this way, that I am doing it to be a better person for others, somehow it makes me want to commit to it more. I'm hoping in time I reconcile all of this, but for now, I'm riding this wave.

Happy Holidays all.  May you lift heavy and laugh hard in 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Keep doing what you're doing and taking care of yourself. All my love to your family! And yay 20 pounds! That is awesome girl!!!!!!!!
