Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 -- A Roller Coaster Year

Winter -

The year started off pretty well; moving back home to Maryland for a job that put me in a room with some of the smartest, most thoughtful people I have ever worked with, being close to my family and friends, and getting into the home stretch with my master's program, these are all things to be celebrated.

Spring - 

It usually takes me about 3 months to feel like I have some sort of mastery of a task, job, activity, routine. This was the case with getting back into the groove of living on the East coast, but my job was still challenging and rewarding. I started to think about what my next project would be after I finished my master's, and I decided getting back into shape was at the top of the list.

Summer - 

Enter Cross Fit. The activity that made the second half of the year even better than the first. The people I've met, the inner physical and mental strength I've found, the way I feel about how I look, all of these things are priceless. To think that I sort of stumbled upon this community of people that helped me realize my own potential in ways I never imagined made me realize that sometimes you have to put yourself out there and never look back; you'll be rewarded, and I've made friends that I know I'll have for years to come. That's not easy to do once you hit a certain age, when your built in school and work networks are getting married, having kids, and are generally in a different life stage than you are.

Fall -

Degree: DONE. Goals: IN PROGRESS. Work: Going amazingly well.

I did my first Whole30, and that was life changing as well. I learned so much about how my body responds to certain foods, how I can feel better, not just look better, by being strict about what I put in it. I can't wait to do another one in January 2014.

Enter Kathryn Gracemarie Beaver. And I, of course, was at my sister's house when her water broke and I got to take care of my not-quite-two-year-old nephew EJ, much to the chagrin of my family, who knows how much I detested babysitting when I was younger.

My little niece who decided she couldn't wait any longer to be part of the action and was born early. Very early. She's a fighter, and even at just about 3ish weeks old, she has taught me so much. She's taught me to be patient, to not take anyone or anything for granted, to take each day as it comes, and that just because you have some downs, doesn't mean that your ups aren't just around the corner.

As 2014 rolls in, I am more positive than ever. I am excited to see what the next year has in store for all of my friends and family, and I recognize that in order to be the best friend, sister, daughter, and colleague that I can be, I need to take care of myself physically and mentally, and I look forward to being a positive part of 2014.

Happy New Year everyone!!

"I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
Return to me"

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