Sunday, June 22, 2014

Back by popular demand...

I am starting a fresh diet and exercise routine (Paleo/Whole30 with some light intermittent fasting coupled with a 1-2 days of low impact cardio on top of my usually 3x a week lifting routine).. and thought I'd revive this blog, as it was a great way for me to motivate myself into sustaining some better health and wellness habits.

Anyhoo, I mentioned my fitness reboot to a few people and most were supportive. However, I found one person's response quite annoying. This person is someone who seems to have time for everyone else but me, but when they finally get around to it and ask how life is going with me, I tell them about my plans to get my ass in gear, the first thing they say is "WELL BE CAREFUL. I'M WORRIED ABOUT THIS APPROACH." Mind you, this person has complained to me a lot about feeling tired and overweight and hasn't done a thing about it.

I had to bite my tongue, but I realized, why?

As someone who has been heavy pretty much all their life, you would think that trying to be healthier would be met with less negativity. No wonder fat people don't like to talk about what it's like to get healthier. What, are we just expected to find the magic fitness and nutrition bullet on the first try? Take into account everyone's opinions (and we all know what they say about opinions) and be graceful and appreciative of the collective wisdom that people force upon you? Not this chubby. I've tried a lot of stuff, and only one thing has ever REALLY gotten me to see results; and by results, I mean increased stamina and strength with better sleep and overall mental clarity.

What I'm going to be doing starting tomorrow.

So next time someone tells you what they are trying to do to better themselves, whether mentally, physically, spiritually, etc., think before you throw in your unsolicited two cents.


It's good to be back.


  1. The most annoying thing for me is the "You're not drinking?/eating cheese?/devouring bread?" talk with judgement or the "you're working out so much but you don't seem to have lost weight" comments from the "well meaning" people in our lives. I'm learning to brush it off so as not to punch people in the face. It's so effing hard to make the changes that you're making and stay positive in your own head let alone having to deal with other well meaning people who don't know shit about your body or how it responds to food and exercise and stress. HUGS! I'm team MBK all the way!!!!!

    1. Especially when the people mean well, and want you to have a good time and are like "cmon, you can have ONE drink. ITS FINE."

      No. In fact I can't.

  2. SERIOUSLY! "One _____________ won't hurt!" Or when people tell you about how they lose weight from stress--that one always kills me. I haven't lost any weight for months but I am busting my ass every day and things are getting tighter but it's so slow and totally discouraging because I don't have anything quantitative to show for it. Can you eat peanut butter or honey on your whole foods? I have a really good make your own protein bar recipe that doesn't have anything processed in it. HUGS! You're doing great girl! Seriously though I want to see some video of you lifting!
