Little does he know, haha.
Truth is, I am sore, but in a "I just kicked ass last night and my body needs to get rid of this lactic acid" kind of way. Some tightness, some joint aches, but all that goes away once I get moving. That's a pretty great feeling, to see that my body is responding appropriately to the hard work I'm putting in.
That being said, I am scared. I am scared that if I move up I will overdo it and not continue, but the fact that I am mindful of my desire to overachieve and potentially overtrain will hopefully keep me in check enough to make the right decision.
I have had multiple people reach out to me in the last few days to tell me how proud and inspired they are about getting a window into my fitness life. I have to say that I feel a little weird, a little braggy, when I talk about this stuff because I don't want people to think I am showing off. Truth be told, I felt a little down after last night's work out and decided to list out what I did on FB as a sort of self affirmation that I need to cut myself some slack. I did more in 60+ minutes that most do in a week, hell, maybe even in a lifetime. When I listed it all out, I felt satisfied, and proud, of what I had accomplished. And it was for no ones edification than my own.
Mostly, I want people to know that you can start getting your body into amazing shape regardless of its current shape. I am proof positive of that. Hell, I am proof that you can be "in shape" even if the shape you see outwardly isn't what is preached to you in every TV show, magazine, movie, billboard, etc. I also want people to know and understand that fitness isn't always expressed by the body you show the world, its the strength that lies within that body. I hope that I inspire people because I am inspired every day by my friends and family who put themselves out there in physical, emotional, and professional ways that make me push myself to the limit more and more.
And also, reading this article made me feel even better about my journey, because even if I don't feel inspired, I am inspiring people who I look up to.
To which I say, if you see a chunker on the trail busting her hump, or in the gym lifting heavy weights and doing burpees til she can barely suck in oxygen, give them a pat on the back, and tell them that you are impressed with their determination, will, and awesomeness. It will keep that person in the gym until the end of time.