Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cheat Day Beat Day

Today was my full on cheat day. I worked out and ate super clean yesterday, so I decided to let myself slack a bit on the Paleo thing, just for one day.

For the record, I feel like garbage.

After last night's workout (shout out to Marmo who came with me to observe and put the fear of pooping herself mid workout to rest), a group of us went to Whole Foods and stunk up the joint by eating meat meat meat and veggies veggies veggies. Side note: I drank a 1.5L bottle of Fiji water, which was only $2, so either WF got more reasonable, I got too used to the West coast prices and am having East coast pricing re-entry shock, or this was rung up incorrectly by the cashier.

I was asked, mid Kale feast, to ballpark how many calories I think I burn in an average Cross Fit session (warm up, skill, and conditioning combined). I ball parked it at anywhere between 700 and 1000 calories, and honestly, I think that might be low. I used to burn 450 calories on a moderate to moderately intense day on the elliptical, and that 30 minutes isn't even in the same atmosphere as the stuff I'm doing now, so as a baseline, I think I'm somewhat in the range.

This means I need to feed the beast before and after WODs. With the right food, or else I feel like ass; the same way I feel right now, even though I didn't eat a lot today, what I ate was shit, and you are what you eat I guess.

I know that you should give yourself a cheat day every now and then to make sure you don't binge and feel completely guilty afterwards, but I am not sure that my black and white, all or nothing thinking, perfectionist brain can wrap itself around that concept. I do better when I have momentum; in this case, several days/weeks in a row of good eating, WODing, and good rest. I am now sitting here, with a slight stomach ache (not muscular, thank youuuu), and feeling completely guilty and ashamed of what I ate today.

This needs to stop.

Somehow, I have to get it through my head that you're allowed to have a bad day, whatever that might entail. I just need to know that moment to moment, I can change the day that I'm having by making the next choice a good one; for my brain, for my body, for my life. So maybe that is another goal to add to the list.

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