Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to confuse a Cross Fitter: Tell them to bear crawl backwards.

Last night as part of our warm up we were told to bear crawl backwards. I can barely do this going forward, and apparently I'm not the only one. When the coach said to bear crawl backwards... there was a hushed silence in the room, where I'm pretty sure everyone was trying to think about how to complete the mechanics of this exercise.

But somehow we all managed. Until I grazed my cheek with a 20lb kettlebell and miraculously don't have a bruise there. Yet. 

Today I am WODing again, and will see how I feel after 2 days in a row. Today is presses (which I love and haven't done in a while) and other assorted stuff (swings, single unders, and a rack carry). Different exercises than yesterday, so I will be 100% worked out by the end of it, and hopefully only 20% sore tomorrow morning. 

In more exciting news, I am wearing a new dress today that is a size small than I was a few weeks ago. I bought it thinking I could wear it right away, but I didn't like the way it looked on me. Tried it on last night and decided to rock it today. Much to my delight, I have gotten multiple compliments on it. This makes me feel like I am making progress even though I refuse to weight myself. 

I am also seeing a podiatrist tomorrow about my feets, to try and see if I can get an orthotic. I am also wearing my Strassberg socks religiously and can already feel a difference in my feet, ankles, and calves. So even though I look ridiculous when wearing them, I can tell they are working. This, along with a good regimen of icing (after a particularly intense lower body workout, like squats or lunges), or a good muscle soak (love you Pepsom Salt with spearmint) in warm water before  bed, will make the difference. I think that I need to remember to take care of my muscles outside of the gym as I do inside the gym. Stretching will also help facilitate this. Gotta keep on the routine.

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