Oh it happened.
Got their early like the conscientious pupil I am (thanks Mom and Dad) and was glad to see I wasn't the first one there. We saw the end of the 6:30 WOD and sort of looked at each other tentatively like "we are going to be able to do that.... ever?"
I quickly made friends, introduced myself to those who seemed like they were interested in an introduction, and we all assured each other that tonight wouldn't be that bad tonight. Tonight would be about terminology, learning some skills/proper form, and maybe a light mock WOD.
It all started with some foam rolling of your butt, back and quads (which I am always up for). I was glad I had read ahead and made the $12 purchase of a foam roller and practiced a bit on my own, as they get a tad unwieldy and I wanted to appear coordinated. So far so good, right?
Then we got into proper squat form. None of that 90 degree stuff. Get way down. "I want to see your bits through your shorts you're so low" he said. That is an image that will stick with you, lemme tell ya. Squat. Wedge. Inhale on the way down, exhale and explode up. Good form MB. Good work. Need a little bit wider on the stance, but good. Called out some bad form answers when asked, and called out my instructor when he did a "weird squat." That's a plie dude. Giggles all around, side eye from the coach. CHECK.
Next was hinging, AKA the motion you make when you deadlift. That knees slightly bent, stick your butt out till you feel it in your hamstrings, then go a little further, and rotate your pelvis so you're standing straight and can squeeze your butt. Good work MB. Got that one too! (All of this so far can be attributed to my previous training at the San Mateo Athletic Club in California, Art, who taught me proper form). All that kept running through my head was this:
Farmer carries. Also known as you have two bales of hay and you need to carry them, one in each hand. Sounds easy, until you get to the whole "go to the fence and back" part, but we'll get back to that right... NOW.
It's about 8:30pm, and we're all thinking that class is over. Not so fast says Coach Josh. Buddy up, we're going to do 3 rounds of 8 weighted squats, 8 ring rows, and then a farmers carry to the fence and back. Oh and MB, we're going to have you squat with 35lbs (no problem), and carry 45lb kettlebells in each hand for the carry. Uhh.. ok. Let's see how this works.
First round. Not terrible. Squatted first, rowed next, carried last. You don't realize how weak your hands are until you try to do something like this, and as everyone knows, I have "monkey strong" hands in terms of grip from sailing, and it was toast after the first trip to the fence. Got back into the gym and chucked those bells and started squatting. Thank goodness my coach had the good sense to give me a little less to carry the next time around, but my hands were already shot. Squat squat row row shuffle shuffle. Repeat.
Everyone was oddly silent in their misery, but were NOT quiet when it came to encouraging others. This is the Cross Fit I signed up for. Out of breath, sweaty, but feeling very accomplished we gathered for the inevitable nutrition and sleep talk. Got hand outs on Paleo (got that covered) and went on my way, not before saying to one of my new comrades "remember; we paid good money to do this."
I was just glad I had the strength left to grip the steering wheel for the drive home. I even have a floor kiss from my planks and push ups.
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