I am a staunch believer in the whole laws of attraction phenomenon. Your attitude is a decision; it isn't merely a product of circumstances, chemistry, and/or influence. Your brain gives you the most amazing power to decide, moment to moment, how you will go through life and deal with the next person, place or thing that crosses your path. This power shouldn't be taken lightly, and in my opinion, should be used in a positive way. It is amazing how often someone can ruin your day because they are in a bad mood, or make decisions that you allow to affect you in a negative way. Sure, everyone has their bad days when they want to wallow in the comfort of the company of someone else who is also having a crappy day, but choosing that path should be the exception, not the rule.
I was in Vegas this past week helping a friend of mine run her annual conference. I had forgotten how exhilarating it can be to take care of a rush of people, make them smile, and send them on their way. I had forgotten how easy it can be to connect with people, new and old, by just being yourself, even if it is a little nerdy, a little cheesy, or even a little sarcastic. People respond to someone who is genuine and that definitely was the case this week. I made some new friends, and got to see some new sides of old friends, good and bad.
I decided, after a rocky start, to turn my attitude around and go with the flow, approaching people with respect, humor and kindness and to not let a few bumps in the road bring me down. And you know what? I got the same energy returned to me by almost everyone I interacted with. I had the kind of high that was once reserved for the post workout endorphin rush I experience after Cross Fit. It made me realize that I don't want to be that negative person who only is happy when they are getting their own way, or making people miserable. I want to be the person who brings others up, not down. Even if it makes me come off as somewhat naive. I don't care. I will not contribute to the demise of another person's mood if I can help it.
That is this week's resolution.
Also, I don't want to puke at Cross Fit after a week off. It could happen. I just hope it doesn't.
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