Friday, July 26, 2013

Stop the presses

I know why there are so many people out there that think Cross Fit causes injuries/is dangerous/hate on it so much:

It's because the people who Cross Fit are a different breed of people.

They are missing (or ignore) that little part of their brain that indicates discomfort. They push themselves harder than most people do in the gym, and are more sore/fatigued because of it, but yet, they finish the damn workout even if they feel like their quads and glutes might just set themselves aflame just to end it. I know, for me, one of the reasons that I love this activity is because almost no one quits. And by almost no one, I mean, I'm sure there are people who have to stop one of the activities at some point, but I haven't seen it. And when they are done kicking their own ass, they make sure you finish, whether its by cheering you on from a distance, running next to you to give you a pacer to finish that last hill climb, patting you on the back during your rest period, or take your bells in after you dragged your ass across the finish line because they're just as proud that you finished as you are (personal experience).

This sick and twisted sense of perseverance is probably the same sense that keeps people training when they should be resting. That's been my hardest mental hurdle, knowing when to say when. I can totally see getting sucked into the CF lifestyle see it? I'm pretty much living it), getting to know the people at your box, and not wanting to let them down when you're too sore for a workout but go anyway because you feel obligated to do so not only for yourself but for the people you see every Monday/Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 or every Thursday at 6am. It's more than a gym, its a community, and you don't want to disappoint people. Because your cheering and antics might be the difference between someone quitting and someone finishing. I know that I pushed the other ladies in my Elements class to put more weight on the bar because I know that's the only way I got stronger. They push me to run faster and I know it will pay off.

I have been telling myself this: your peoples will be more disappointed when you end up in full traction after overdoing it than they will be if you say hey: I'm just going to barbell club this week, my feet are completely screwed up from those shuttle runs and I need a few days.

It is working so far, but that urge to WOD is strong. But not til tomorrow. Not til tomorrow.

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