Ok. To be fair we haven't broken up, but we're taking a break.
Taking a break from the insane crashes, the insatiable cravings, eating because I'm bored/sad/lonely/thing I'm hungry but I'm really thirsty/my friends are eating and all of the other excuses that we give ourselves to shove less than ideal stuff into our face holes.
I'm done.
It's not you, it's me.
As per usual, our brain tells us that we need things we don't need, and food is no exception. Since we all have to eat, food is one of the hardest things to keep under control. As someone who could fall into the category of "emotional eater" I have learned over the last few weeks to dissociate hunger from emotion. Eat when your body tells you, but when you think you should eat, or just because you want to eat. You'd be surprised at how often you're snacking mindlessly just because you think it's snack time or because you're bored and it's something to do during commercial breaks.
Don't get me wrong, temptations are everywhere! I went to a baby shower where there were sandwiches and cakes aplenty, but I resisted. People often blame their lack of self control on their circumstances, but your brain is a force to be reckoned with. You can't always hibernate and sequester yourself from the foods that you know are delicious but not on the plan. You have to redefine what food means to you, and find a way to make what you NEED to eat taste like something you WANT to eat.
Sometimes you have to know what to do when you DO encounter roadblocks or situations where you might not be able to make/bring your own food. Do your planning before you go to a restaurant, ask what is in a dish before you order it so you can modify it, and go in with a plan.
All that being said, be prepared for the human reactions to all those requests; people are not always as supportive as you'd think when you tell them you're on an eating plan (I refuse to say diet now) that is really working for you and you want to stick to it. Sometimes it's just people trying to validate their own poor choices; other times people don't realize you can have good time without a cocktail in your hand or a tasty treat on your plate (Note: as any of my friends/gym folks will tell you, I needn't have alcohol to dance or sing like a maniac, so I really have no excuse).
So, in the immortal words of the Avett Brothers: Decide what to be and go be it.
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