Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Whole 30 - Days something through 8

I have been doing sort of extreme Whole30, as I call it. Super Paleo. The whole "don't eat when it isn't light out" kind of thing has been tough, but I've been following it, except when feeling like I'm going to pass out due to hunger after the gym. Even then, I have a half of an avocado or a few bites of a chicken thigh and a ton of water to make sure that my metabolism keeps working through the dark hours.

It's been tough. It has been especially tough because I know that committing to Whole30 really means you're committing to cook 3 meals (or more) a day for 30 days. I was lucky enough to get my new Whole30 compliant (less 2 recipes) cookbook in the mail on Day 4 of my challenge, and that has inspired me to try all sorts of new things that I wouldn't normally eat or cook.

I can see a difference in my body, particularly in my midsection, in how often I get hungry, that sort of thing, but the biggest difference has been the quality of my sleep. I don't lay there awake calculating "if I go to sleep now I can still get... hours" like I used to. I sleep solidly for 8 hours and I wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Because I didn't drink caffeine but once in a blue moon, and I exercise regularly and intensely, I am used to feeling tired at a normal hour, so I was surprised that this was the area where I saw the first big change. I think it really has to do with the overall lack of sugar and the fact that my body has digested my last meal of the day far before I go to bed, and all that stomach work can keep you awake. 

I know I am not supposed to weigh myself during this 30 day challenge, but I couldn't help it. Over the weekend, I stepped on the scale and... was blown away. 8 pounds! 8 POUNDS! That is ridiculous, particularly for someone who has been working out ferociously for months and not seeing anything on the scale. 

This all drives the point home that what you do at the table counts just as much, if not more so, as what you do in the gym. 

Maybe I'll do a Whole60. Who knows? I know a couple of folks who are crazy enough to do it with me, and if I continue to feel this good and slim down this much, I'd be crazy not to try.

Aside from a potential cheat day between cycles (I am going to need some cheese) and on Thanksgiving (I am going to need stuffing), I might do a Whole60. Which means I'll be on this ride until December 12.

Let the amazing sleep CONTINUE


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