Thursday, October 17, 2013

Days 4 and 5 - The F Word

So many F words have been bobbing around in my head over the last few weeks.


But the one that keeps cropping up in my head has been FRUSTRATION.

And I know it when I see it. I know it when I feel it in the air around me. It's thick and heavy and filled with animosity. I used to have to rain on everyone's parade when I was generally unhappy with my life; whether it was school, my job, my social life (or lack thereof), dating, etc., if I felt like people were getting more positive attention than I, I would find a way to crap all over it.

This is a pretty major indicator that you need some talk therapy my friends. 

So, after many hours of forcing myself to express my emotions in a healthy, productive way, I realized that you can have a bad day, but you decide whether or not you make something of that bad day. 

Happiness is a choice. If you're not happy, you can get happy. You just have to stop blaming others for your lack of happiness. You control your mood, your actions, your tongue, your way of thinking. I can't really humor people who don't take an active role in their own happiness.  Again, this is not to say that people can't have a grumpy day/week. But at some point, if you're around me on a regular basis, I'm going to tell you to snap out of it, and do whatever I can to help you, should you ask for it. But otherwise, I will probably avoid you.

I am going through my own journey right now, and while that doesn't mean I am trying to self sequester, it means that I've found that if I surround myself with positive people, I am more positive, and more nurturing to myself and others. I am a better me.

Doing whole30 has started to decouple my relationship between happiness and food. Do I get really happy when I make something that is delicious? Yes. Do I get even happier when that food is also healthy and nourishing, and gives me the energy to take it to the house at the gym? Absolutely. 

Looking forward at some of the events I have coming up over the next 3ish weeks while I'm on Whole30 (a baby shower, a wedding, my birthday) I have to understand that a lot of events in our society revolve around 2 things: people and food. Food does bring people together, and I am trying to craft a plan to make sure that I am sticking to my diet but not alienating myself from the folks around me by not eating the food put before me. This includes asking friends who is on their wedding dinner menu and letting them know that I will eat what I can but I don't want to waste food (the guilt of doing that is what triggered the conversation more than the dieting did), planning ahead to have my own Whole30 friendly snacks and pre-meals before these events so I can eat what is appropriate but also have a good time and not look forlorn and sad. It has also triggered me to trying to find a fun way to incorporate the idea of a birthday cake into my diet (since I will be 2 days from finishing the 30 days, I can't quit early just because I'm another year older), finding meat loaf recipes to make a meat cake. 

Again, I chose to plan ahead so that, in the moment, I stayed strong and didn't poo poo on peoples' good times just because I am struggling with what to put in my belly. So far, people have been extremely accommodating and supportive. For the most part. I still get the occasional "why would you ever give up all that delicious sugar, flour, grains, pasta, rice, and potatoes?" but that response is mostly from people who don't understand what it is like to commit to a goal and achieve it, and reap the unforeseen benefits of that goal along the way. For example: I don't feel like I am depriving myself of the foods I can't eat; I feel like I am giving my body the chance to feel amazing by eating what I should.

And I do feel amazing, even just 5 days in. And that makes me want to stay the course.

Food for thought. Literally. 

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