Saturday, October 12, 2013

Whole30 Starts.. tomorrow!

Whole 30 Challenge

My box is doing the whole30 challenge, starting tomorrow, and while I've done some derivation of this plan on my own, I have decided that the best birthday gift I can give to myself is the gift of feeling awesome.

30 days from tomorrow is November 11, the day after my birthday. I don't have any travel, training, or craziness planned between now and then, so there's no excuse for me not to do this for myself. I have been aching a lot lately, and generally feeling kind of crappy. I think this will help improve how I feel in and out of the gym. I can't wait.

I spent today doing a little life clean up: I cleaned my place, cleaned out my refrigerator and pantry, made my grocery lists, and started meal planning. I am a bit of a planner, and I know that I need to set myself up for success early on. With my Well Fed book at my side, I am trying to find inspiration for amazing meals.

I'll be blogging about this (hopefully) every day, going through the struggles (at first) and triumphs (hopefully sooner rather than later). If anyone wants to come and join me for a Whole30 friendly meal, let me know, as it always sucks to cook for one!!

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