Friday, June 28, 2013

Carbs beget Carbs. Nothing new here for me..,0,1772900.story

A must read. Goes to show you that whole, unprocessed, low carb/glycemic index foods keep you fuller longer, causing you to eat less, get more nutrients, and feel satisfied in general. Fat is not the enemy.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Who knew?

I knew there were numerous health benefits that resulted in taking out processed food, flour, grains, and the majority of dairy and starch. But I had no idea it would manifest itself so quickly.

On my face.

I have noticed in the last 2-3 weeks that my skin is dewy and glowing. I chalked this up to the fact that I no longer live in such a dry climate, but I think its also the fact that I am drinking more water, getting my vitamins naturally through food, and taking care of myself in general.

I want to tell all of those commercials peddling face creams and tighteners to go suck it. Go out, sweat, and come home and NOURISH yourself with REAL FOOD and everything will work out.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blast... its hot

My assimilation back to East coast summer has been rough, though decidedly not as rough as it would have been had I been in the area last summer. We actually had a decent Spring, filled with cool breezes but pleasant temperatures and limited humidity after a somewhat hot start.

Summer also has not been as bad as I have seen it before, but man, when you hate going to a gym to work out (and have conditioned yourself to GO OUTSIDE AND WORK OUT), it is hard to do anything when its 93 degrees with almost that much humidity.

Biking is a tricky minx in this particular regard, as you are cycling along, and the breeze you create makes you think "oh, it's not THAT bad out here" until you stop to hydrate or give your naughty bits a reprieve from the unyielding pressure that is a bike saddle, and you realize you want to die. And forget my usual walking; code red air alerts are not to be taken lightly. I think I might have to force myself to do 30 minutes on the elliptical just to give me something to do.

Spare me!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Veggie of the Week: Garlic Scapes

What are these delectable treats you may ask? Well, these curly-Q, weed looking delights are something that garlic farmers used to just throw away. They almost look like perverted spring onions, but they are much more delicious. They can be cooked in a variety of ways (stir fried, steamed, roasted, or diced finely in salads and other dishes as a raw ingredient), or used in sauces as a replacement for garlic (think pesto). 

I saw these at MOM's today and had to grab a bunch. They are light, and therefore, inexpensive to buy by weight. I got a bunch for about $2-3, and decided I needed to use them tonight. I tried a nibble raw, and it tasted like a slightly milder version of garlic. I decided to add them to my spaghetti squash hash-like dish. I was expected more of a garlicky flavor, but they have a flavor that is a cross between asparagus and spring onions when cooked quickly on the stove top. 

So there ya go. Your weekly edition of "Veggies with MB."

Next week I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get some beets.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Maybe I need to sleep more

Losing Weight When You Sleep.

Having a rough morning

Writing this blog is very cathartic for me; mostly because I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one that reads what I write, but that being said, I feel as though I can have a bad day, process it, and get over it, all in one sitting by putting it into words. Here goes nothing.

I weigh myself every Friday. Not as some sort of torture, but just to see if the eating habits I've employed over the last few days actually worked. Today, they didn't. And they haven't for a while. Removing sugar, flour, and starch from one's diet is not an easy task, and I've done a pretty damn good job. I am starting to get back on the exercise track with a few cardio outings this week (shout out to Marmo who did a 5 1/2 mile walk with me last night) and am planning to do at least 4-5 next week in preparation for Elements starting on July 1.

And somehow I gained 3 lbs.

I am fucking frustrated. La la la "it's not how much you weigh its how you feel." I understand that, but that really only applies if you are losing weight, ANY weight. Somehow I have gained 15 lbs since I started training for the Overnight walk (16ish miles) and moved back to Maryland. I am not depressed, I am less stressed than I have been in my professional life, I am happy to be back close to family and friends, and I have been eating better than I was in the winter because of the abundance of veggies (nope, not fruits, haven't had fruit in about 3 weeks). I am sleeping well. I have not been weight training, which I know revs up your metabolism, but it's not as though I live a sedentary life.

It makes me want to give up. My clothes are fitting oddly and every morning it is a battle getting dressed. One that I want to quit and say "you're not worth it so why even try?" I know that's not the right attitude, and I can't just throw the baby out with the bath water when things don't go my way, but I am starting to think that there is something wrong with me. I am probably metabolically broken, just like most of America, but in eating clean I thought I was helping to turn that tide, but apparently not.

I am sick of being trapped in a body that doesn't reflect the discipline, desire, and athleticism that I know is inside of me. I don't want to have to be someone who goes through weight loss surgery. I feel like that is the quitters way out, but it might be the only way to jump start my body.

Just don't know where to go from here. Except to eat well, continue to get my ass out there and moving, and surround myself with people who share the same wellness goals.

I think that said it all right there. I feel good, but I don't feel WELL.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Interesting rant...

You Don’t Have to Be Fat to Be Fat

One of my former coworkers and generally "ripped like a She-Ra action figure" ladyfriend wrote this rant. I don't know how I feel about all it, but I agree with the general sentiment; My fat ass weighs two time as much as you do, but I am working out 4-5 times a week - not your "let's go for a stroll at lunch" workout, but 45 minutes minimum cardio work (elliptical and/or cycling) and weight training. So again, when I see your skinny slovenly ass pounding back 3 pounds of Five Guys fries, I sort of want to slap you and let you know that just because you don't look fat doesn't mean you're in shape, and good genes are not an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want.

I am typically a Libertarian in this arena - if you want to eat yourself to an early grave, go for it, but I start to take issue when you get to pig out and I have to order brown rice and salmon for every meal.  I often wish you'd get the glares and whispers that I get when I decide to treat myself to Rita's once a summer or the occasional 3rd glass of wine at dinner. But you don't, because outwardly you are "normal" and not fat.

I could still kick your ass. Handily.

I'd like to take the position that the opposite is true: just because someone is big, doesn't mean they sit around eating entire cakes or bags of potato chips alone in a dark room watching Lifetime movies. Some of us just don't get the luxury of showing our fitness in an obvious way.

Rant. Over.

I think I broke my butt...

Biking is always an adventure. There is definitely a culture to biking, and I am starting to finally understand the whole "share the road" rage that is prevalent in the cycling community. And I'm not even talking about sharing the ROAD persay, but rather, sharing the friggin bike/walk path.

Team RUM (still time to donate) tackled one of the many trails that converge at Lake Artemesia. We decided to try the NE Branch Trail, and it was a delightful bike ride. Relatively flat, newly paved, a good bit of shade, and enough traffic to make me feel comfortable riding by myself and not feel like I could get sold into white slavery.

That was all before I turned a sharp corner to go on the path under an overpass and some kid darted out in front of me whilst his mother and aunts (presumably) laughed at me. The kid thought it was hilarious because I skidded to a stop, but remained in my saddle, and pushed along the guard rail to try and stop some of my momentum so I didn't go OVER the rail, onto the rocks and to my imminent death. Maybe not death, but certainly a trip to the hospital. I yelled back at the to "keep your kid from running into the path" and got giggles. I wanted to get off right there and smack them, but it wasn't worth it.

Other than that slight mishap, and the fact that my bike seat kept getting progressively closer to the ground (so I felt like I was on a kids tricycle by the end of it, after adjusting it several times) it was a pleasant 11ish mile ride.

This morning was another story...

I have been having tailbone issues. No. It isn't a muscular problem. My quads, bum and calves are tight, but in that satisfying "I just kicked my own ass for pleasure" sort of way. This is a different kind of pain: I can barely roll over or get up from a seated position without feeling like my spine is a fuse that has been lit from my tailbone up. The initial burst of pain is what I imagine it would be like to get kicked in the 'nads if I were a man (my balls are only metaphorical and therefore, unkickable). I don't know if its the seat positioning, the fact that I need a more padded short/seat, or what, but clearly my hip - coccyx - pelvis configuration needs to be debugged. Totes.

Until I figure this out, I think it's back to walking with my guidette. Walking and judging.

I also will gift you this:


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Stop Running.

No really.

It's horrible for you.

My future box (heh) coach blogged about running and the people he sees in his gym who constantly complain about running and the acute pain it brings.


"The reality is that the secret to looking good naked and aging gracefully is lifting weights, walking, performing brief bouts of high intensity activity, and minimizing repetitive impact activities. If you want to keep your heart healthy and stay in shape, trying swimming, hiking, or cycling instead. If you want to lose body fat, do some squats, deadlifts, presses, and invest in a sled to push or pull as fast as you can."

Read more at:

Roll out...

Yous a super star BOY why you still up in the 'hood?

Ok. Ludacris moment over.

I got a high density foam roller to help loosen up my ever tightening leg muscles and I have a bit of a crush. Who knew such a light, relatively innocuous piece of recycled Styrofoam could bring such delight? After Googling a ton of roller routines, I finally just rolled it out. 

Moving on: I feel less stiff today than I normally do when I pop out of bed; well, more like throw myself out of bed because I need the velocity so I don't just pop back into bed. But I usually feel like my feet could just snap off my soleus, tibialis anterior and calf muscles are so tight, hence why I have heel spurs and Achilles tendinitis. Today, this was only the case for a few stumbles to go brush my teeth. I am hoping that between my new roll out routine, and a bit of early morning stretching, I will feel less like a zombie stumbling through the night. And hopefully look less like one too. 

Today it's back on the bike for probably a 10-12 miler around the area. This came just in time since my tailbone was starting to feel normal, so now I have to go and harass it some more. And then a nice hot shower, followed my more Ludacris.


Monday, June 17, 2013

This is getting expensive

I realized that I need some equipment before I throw myself to the Cross Fit wolves.

I did some research and found that Cross Fitters LOVE them some bright colored shoes. Being very reticent to wear color (riiiight) I decided to go with teal kicks instead of the day glow yellow and purple ones. We'll see how this works out.

I also was told to invest in a foam roller and lacrosse balls to help loosen muscles after a hard WOD. Lacrosse balls? What? Well, apparently they are one of the most inexpensive but effective massage balls on the market, because of their density, size, and general awesomeness. It was funny to me to hear all the people complaining that they couldn't find lacrosse balls in their local sporting goods store. Guess living in Maryland has its advantages in that way.

So between the actual deposit, shoes, foam roller, lacrosse balls, etc, I have coughed up a pretty penny. I keep telling myself that this will keep me from pain and suffering in the future, but tell that to my currently suffering bank account.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Veggie of the Week

I've decided, in my quest to keep my diet new and interesting, to try a new vegetable each week. I don't know what it will be until I get to the market, and this week it was something called Tat Soi.


It sounds like something you'd yell as you perform a karate chop. I'm sorry. That's culturally insensitive.

Anyhoo-- Its a mild, slightly peppery green that is cooked similar to spinach (or so I've been told). I am going to try it stir fry style with garlic and olive oil. You can also eat it raw, but we'll see how it tastes.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fuck cycling clothes

Well I'm sorry. Eff em.

How are plus sized women supposed to get jazzed about getting on a cycle and huffing and puffing up a hill if they can't look reasonable cute doing so? Or at least, cute and in line with what all of the other people are wearing as they whiz along the trails.

I found a store that sells plus size cycling gear. AWESOME. I get a few cute new biking tanks, nothing fancy, no crazy sponsor labels or anything like that. A red one, a purple one and a neon yellow one for when I am biking around dusk. I get them today, and rip open the package to try them on.

I got hips.

Not cute hips-don't-lie hips a la Shakira, but hiiiiiiiips. And all the jerseys were apparently made for people without T nor A. Previously, I would have completely blamed myself for this debacle, negative self talking my ass into oblivion for a week but I realized that I don't know many women who could wear this stuff without it looking at least somewhat awkward. How about a little tailoring people? A little dart under the bust line perhaps? Maybe a little longer in the back, or do you really want people to see the 17 layers of padding on my ass underneath all this spandex? This really was a case of the equipment not being right, not me not fitting their equipment. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

I will keep trying. Damnit.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The first song on Pandora determines how the day is going to be..

Today's first out of the chute : "She's a Bad Mama Jama" by Carl Carlton.

I take that as a good sign. despite the dreaded possibility for a derecho at some point today. Had to batten down the hatches this morning (left my bike in my car so it wouldn't become flying debris.. the bike, not the car).

This is a short entry so far this morning but..

I have a new food obsession. Avocados with a little bit of olive oil and... BALSAMIC VINEGAR. Salt and pepper, maybe a lil garlic powder. It is so comforting with the richness of the avocado and the tangy bite of the vinegar. I am so glad its avocado season so that I can enjoy this T R E A T.

That is all for today.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Excited to join this community...

I have been lucky enough to be a member of several amazing communities, professionally and personally, but the fitness community I get to join in a few weeks... is pretty awesome.

Example A.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

July 1 here we come

I always get the same look when I meet with a coach, personal trainer, or other fitness professional when I tell them that I sail competitively, bike to work more often than not, go to the gym 4-5 times a week, and I just completed a 16 mile walk and am signed up for a 24 hour relay bike-a-thon.

I know right? Who would have thought this plus sized heifer could do all that? Well let me tell you, I know I've always been big, but that doesn't keep me from being active. I had a roommate once comment "you eat REALLY well..." I imagine the statement after the ellipses to be "why are you so chunky?"


Welcome to the last 20 years of my life.

So when I met with Josh at CFSS last night to discuss my fitness goals, current exercise habits, and the like, I wasn't surprised by his subtle but noticeable look of "awhaa?" But the more we talked, the more he got me. I think my level of activity and desire to be fit and strong, regardless of my weight and size, appealed to the proprietor of this particular box. I think he knew I was in it for the right reason, and that I had a demonstrated history of activity that was independent of my outward appearance (aside from my usual posture of badassery).

I start their elements class July 1 and have already started researching boxes in the Vegas area so I can attend 1-2 class when I'm out there in mid July to keep myself on track. This is happening, so get on board.

Monday, June 10, 2013

"I've made a huge mistake"

Oh Gob, I know how you feel. This was me last night after chowing down on some sodium laden Chinese food. I was feeling sort of blah, with it being Sunday evening and all, and Asian Carry Out is so close and cheap, so I decided to splurge and get some shrimp toast and an egg roll.

It was delicious.

But I regret how sluggish I feel this morning after not properly nourishing myself yesterday. I had a great lunch and was tired not because of my food choices, but because of the exercise earlier in the day. But then I feel like I shot it all to hell with dinner.

You'll be proud to know I have already thrown away the leftovers so as to not tempt myself later tonight.

Back to the drawing board I suppose. I need to get some sort of structured activity together on the weekends so that I am as diligent and thoughtful about what I eat as I am during the week. But that just sounds like it involves getting up super early, and while I am pretty good at having a normal sleep schedule in place, I do like that extra hour or two on Saturday and Sunday. Its better to binge on sleep than on sugar and carbs, right?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Team RUM goes ridin'. Get your succession plan ready College Park.

Team RUM (Registrars University of Maryland) is participating in the 24 Hours of Booty Challenge I mentioned previously. What struck me as funny, as we were all getting our bikes ready, making sure our helmets were appropriately adjusted, water bottles full (of what.. we'll never tell) and the like, was that the Registrar's office at UMD better have a succession plan in place if one of the 3 associate registrars participating in this exercise eats it on the trail. I can hear it now "registration for Fall 2013 has been put on hold as 3 of our senior administrators are in traction. Don't ask..."

I digress...

Today we all got up early on a Sunday (and were sober) and voluntarily went on an 11ish mile bike ride on the BWI trail. It was a tough one for me, with a lot more hills than I expected, but the team camaraderie was what kept me going. Everyone was in a great mood, the other trail riders/runners/walkers were friendly, and the weather even cooperated. Our shared hatred for running was a motivating force as well. Dave said it best: "Biking up hill sucks, but you at least have those exhilarating downhill sweeps to keep you going. Running down hill sucks. Because well.. you're running."

There was one young lady who was also part of the "I am a chub but I am still on this god forsaken trail at 9am on a Sunday so screw you" club and she was killing it. I gave her a "you go girl" but either she didn't hear me, thought I was creepy, or was too in the danger zone to respond. She inspired me to keep going, and I know that, with more practice and training, I too will inspire others to get off their butt and DO IT.

Tomorrow is take 2 of my CrossFit intro session at CFSS, so add that to the list of things I am doing that will make me walk funny.  It's also pretty much the end of my graduate quarter for Spring 2013 (one reflection blog and project to submit by Tuesday and then all I have to do is write my thesis!). I may even try to schedule a midweek bike ride with Team RUM on the trails around campus, since we've become intimate friends during the Overnight Out of the Darkness Walk training I just completed.

I am crazy. Like we all didn't know this before.


Donate to team RUM here for the 24 Hours of Booty Challenge: BLOOP

Saturday, June 8, 2013

At dawn... we ride!

Tomorrow morning I am going on a bike ride with some coworkers who have convinced me to do the 24 Hours of Booty challenge to benefit a cancer center for young adults in the area. Its in August, and its made me discover an amazing thing: all this walking has left me completely unprepared to cycle.

Who knew that walking was primarily a hamstring workout, while cycling was all about the calves and quads? I do now. After just a few short bike rides I can feel it in my quadriceps like you wouldn't believe. Maybe this new activity will help me with my achilles tendinitis which flared up throughout my walk training. Maybe it will just give me something new to do. Its definitely given me a reason to use my newly purchased Amazon Prime membership (worth its weight in gold. I have no idea why I waited so long to bite this bullet!) to purchase the appropriate gear (see below) and get it in less than 48 hours.

If nothing else, this will give me the opportunity to use my newly purchased sports bra (the best I've ever had), padded bike pants from Amazon and bike from REI. What did we do before Amazon and Google? Oh that's right, we had to leave the house to go shopping and researching.

I am getting back to feeling great. My stomach has settled down, I feel more focused (thank you magnesium supplement) and sharp, and now all I need to do is to get my sleep schedule in check and I will be unstoppable. CrossFit Silver Spring won't know what hit it on Monday.

All in all, I am glad that I'm keeping myself motivated. I have decided that while I didn't win the genetic lottery, it's not going to keep me from doing what I love.  I have decided that independent of the scale and my dress size, I want to be the poster child, the ultimate example, the very picture of how someone who looks overweight can be in fantastic shape, and that strong is the new sexy, regardless of what your scale says.

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Non Workout Manifesto

This is my life

This article is like someone warped into my head via Google Glass, saw what I saw, thought what I thought, and did what I did at every social event (definition of social event: Any event where there is at least one person in the room, a space large enough for dancing and music either playing for real or in my head).

For your consideration:

1) Dance like no one is watching? When you’re made of lightning bolts, that’s not an option. I dance like everyone is watching.

2) Someone call HGTV because I am absolutely demolishing this hardwood, and this whole house is about to get flipped.

3) Take it from a pro: when a wedding invitation asks for your choice of vegetarian, chicken, or steak entrees, just respond with a drawing of a stegosaurus with a boner.  You’re too smart for this shit.

4) But then I hear the deep, exaggerated voice of the DJ, and I know it’s time.  He’ll start with the oldies, but I’m not an idiot.  I take the floor immediately, in a land invasion that ranks somewhere between Beatlemania and Normandy in cultural importance.  I’m out there with the fifty-something moms who don’t give a fuck.  They’re not embarrassed to stomp their feet and get sassy to Aretha Franklin, and I promise you, neither am I.  They instantly love me, cherish me, take me as one of their own.  But while I do R-E-S-P-E-C-T my suffragette sisters, I know I will outlast them.  At some point, this DJ is going to put on some fucking Pitbull, and when that happens, they will be the first to go.  I have no mercy.

5) They need to get a little tipsy before they cut loose.  One more vodka soda, to lower the inhibitions.  But I need to ask you something: what the fuck is an inhibition?  Never seen one, never had one.  Too busy lighting it up.

6) Towering in stilettos, the best they can do is a step-together-step-clap, while I’m out here as sure-footed as a mountain goat.  You see, I’ve already changed into my dedicated dancing shoes, silver and sparkly and frenetic, like a torrent of hungry barracudas.  Between the rubber soles and my low center of gravity, no mere mortal can handle this.  God help you when the DJ throws on some Usher.

I can't even talk at this point this article has me so amped.

Happy Friday to you all.

Song of the day: "On Top of the World" by Imagine Dragons

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Crossfit Blue Balls


For my intro to Crossfit session.

Only to find that one of their coaches called out sick and the owner/proprietor had to run the 6:30 class.


I guess I'm going back on Monday at 6:30pm.

I wonder if this is a trick; to try and find people who are really serious about joining. It reminds me of that Sex and the City episode where Charlotte wants to convert to Judaism but they reject her three times before they take her seriously.

If they make me come back again without actually talking to me about their box, I'll know.

D Day

June 6, 2013.

A day, that will live..

In infamy.

You know what is striking at this moment? I typed the title and the first few lines of this post and realized that TODAY is IN FACT D-Day. 69 years ago, our greatest generation stormed the beaches at Normandy. And I am going to storm into my first Crossfit box (CFSS).

Yes, I know these concepts are vastly different, and I am not trying to disrespect the lives lost on that fateful day, but for me, weight loss, health and wellness have been my own personal war, one I've been waging since I was probably about the age of 10.

Stay with me here.

I have successfully gained back all 65 lbs that I lost between 2009-2010. And I have gone through the stages of grief: Denial, anger (this was the one that still creeps in every now and again, a lot), bargaining, depression and now, we have arrived at acceptance. Let's be clear; I am not accepting this set back as a permanent state of being. I am accepting the fact that it has happened and will move forward with a plan to get past it.

This is where Crossfit comes in. I have researched CF (along with the paleo diet, which is what I was basing my diet on when I lost about 20ish lbs in the Fall) and think it is going to be a good fit for me. I am super competitive, but I love encouraging others to do their best and to push themselves. I am hoping to find a place where I can be on the receiving end of some of that encouragement and not just cheering for others. Tonight's session is sort of a meet and greet, from what I understand, to meet the coaches, do some preliminary motion evaluation stuff, talk about goals, and the like. Then, if I decide its a good fit, I will go into the next Elements class (8 sessions over the course of a month to learn about proper form, technique, nutrition, and terminology).

Fingers crossed.

On a separate but related note, my butt hurts from biking to work. Looks like we won't be cancelling that parking permit anytime soon. I need a fail safe.