Thursday, June 13, 2013

The first song on Pandora determines how the day is going to be..

Today's first out of the chute : "She's a Bad Mama Jama" by Carl Carlton.

I take that as a good sign. despite the dreaded possibility for a derecho at some point today. Had to batten down the hatches this morning (left my bike in my car so it wouldn't become flying debris.. the bike, not the car).

This is a short entry so far this morning but..

I have a new food obsession. Avocados with a little bit of olive oil and... BALSAMIC VINEGAR. Salt and pepper, maybe a lil garlic powder. It is so comforting with the richness of the avocado and the tangy bite of the vinegar. I am so glad its avocado season so that I can enjoy this T R E A T.

That is all for today.

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