Well I'm sorry. Eff em.
How are plus sized women supposed to get jazzed about getting on a cycle and huffing and puffing up a hill if they can't look reasonable cute doing so? Or at least, cute and in line with what all of the other people are wearing as they whiz along the trails.
I found a store that sells plus size cycling gear. AWESOME. I get a few cute new biking tanks, nothing fancy, no crazy sponsor labels or anything like that. A red one, a purple one and a neon yellow one for when I am biking around dusk. I get them today, and rip open the package to try them on.
I got hips.
Not cute hips-don't-lie hips a la Shakira, but hiiiiiiiips. And all the jerseys were apparently made for people without T nor A. Previously, I would have completely blamed myself for this debacle, negative self talking my ass into oblivion for a week but I realized that I don't know many women who could wear this stuff without it looking at least somewhat awkward. How about a little tailoring people? A little dart under the bust line perhaps? Maybe a little longer in the back, or do you really want people to see the 17 layers of padding on my ass underneath all this spandex? This really was a case of the equipment not being right, not me not fitting their equipment. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
I will keep trying. Damnit.
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