Sunday, June 9, 2013

Team RUM goes ridin'. Get your succession plan ready College Park.

Team RUM (Registrars University of Maryland) is participating in the 24 Hours of Booty Challenge I mentioned previously. What struck me as funny, as we were all getting our bikes ready, making sure our helmets were appropriately adjusted, water bottles full (of what.. we'll never tell) and the like, was that the Registrar's office at UMD better have a succession plan in place if one of the 3 associate registrars participating in this exercise eats it on the trail. I can hear it now "registration for Fall 2013 has been put on hold as 3 of our senior administrators are in traction. Don't ask..."

I digress...

Today we all got up early on a Sunday (and were sober) and voluntarily went on an 11ish mile bike ride on the BWI trail. It was a tough one for me, with a lot more hills than I expected, but the team camaraderie was what kept me going. Everyone was in a great mood, the other trail riders/runners/walkers were friendly, and the weather even cooperated. Our shared hatred for running was a motivating force as well. Dave said it best: "Biking up hill sucks, but you at least have those exhilarating downhill sweeps to keep you going. Running down hill sucks. Because well.. you're running."

There was one young lady who was also part of the "I am a chub but I am still on this god forsaken trail at 9am on a Sunday so screw you" club and she was killing it. I gave her a "you go girl" but either she didn't hear me, thought I was creepy, or was too in the danger zone to respond. She inspired me to keep going, and I know that, with more practice and training, I too will inspire others to get off their butt and DO IT.

Tomorrow is take 2 of my CrossFit intro session at CFSS, so add that to the list of things I am doing that will make me walk funny.  It's also pretty much the end of my graduate quarter for Spring 2013 (one reflection blog and project to submit by Tuesday and then all I have to do is write my thesis!). I may even try to schedule a midweek bike ride with Team RUM on the trails around campus, since we've become intimate friends during the Overnight Out of the Darkness Walk training I just completed.

I am crazy. Like we all didn't know this before.


Donate to team RUM here for the 24 Hours of Booty Challenge: BLOOP

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