Thursday, June 20, 2013

Interesting rant...

You Don’t Have to Be Fat to Be Fat

One of my former coworkers and generally "ripped like a She-Ra action figure" ladyfriend wrote this rant. I don't know how I feel about all it, but I agree with the general sentiment; My fat ass weighs two time as much as you do, but I am working out 4-5 times a week - not your "let's go for a stroll at lunch" workout, but 45 minutes minimum cardio work (elliptical and/or cycling) and weight training. So again, when I see your skinny slovenly ass pounding back 3 pounds of Five Guys fries, I sort of want to slap you and let you know that just because you don't look fat doesn't mean you're in shape, and good genes are not an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want.

I am typically a Libertarian in this arena - if you want to eat yourself to an early grave, go for it, but I start to take issue when you get to pig out and I have to order brown rice and salmon for every meal.  I often wish you'd get the glares and whispers that I get when I decide to treat myself to Rita's once a summer or the occasional 3rd glass of wine at dinner. But you don't, because outwardly you are "normal" and not fat.

I could still kick your ass. Handily.

I'd like to take the position that the opposite is true: just because someone is big, doesn't mean they sit around eating entire cakes or bags of potato chips alone in a dark room watching Lifetime movies. Some of us just don't get the luxury of showing our fitness in an obvious way.

Rant. Over.

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