Monday, June 24, 2013

Veggie of the Week: Garlic Scapes

What are these delectable treats you may ask? Well, these curly-Q, weed looking delights are something that garlic farmers used to just throw away. They almost look like perverted spring onions, but they are much more delicious. They can be cooked in a variety of ways (stir fried, steamed, roasted, or diced finely in salads and other dishes as a raw ingredient), or used in sauces as a replacement for garlic (think pesto). 

I saw these at MOM's today and had to grab a bunch. They are light, and therefore, inexpensive to buy by weight. I got a bunch for about $2-3, and decided I needed to use them tonight. I tried a nibble raw, and it tasted like a slightly milder version of garlic. I decided to add them to my spaghetti squash hash-like dish. I was expected more of a garlicky flavor, but they have a flavor that is a cross between asparagus and spring onions when cooked quickly on the stove top. 

So there ya go. Your weekly edition of "Veggies with MB."

Next week I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get some beets.

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